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Creative DIY Wood Decor

Creative DIY Wood Decor

Wood makes everything seem warmer and cozier, especially during those fall and winter months. When you can't be outside, bring some of the outdoors in! We've got you covered with these 10 fantastic wood DIYs to help you prep your house for the upcoming seasons. The best part is, wood is a classic material that compliments any existing decor you already have going on. Let's get woody! 

Create your own mobile for the kids from a homemade tree branch rod! Love those colors. 

This wood slab clock creates a classic minimal look that would pair well with any room. 

These birch wood candle holders help create a soothing environment and would make the perfect holiday gift! 

Take some rustic wood blocks and apply some vinyl designs or your own for awesome customized wall art! 

Good with woodworking? Create your own wine rack with this simple DIY. 

This mason jar organizer is so ingenious because it's so versatile. You can use them for decorative purposes too: they make the perfect vases! 

Recycle those old Jenga pieces, slap some paint on those babies and turn them into a jewelry holder

This is the coolest iPod dock I've ever seen, and with a few tools, you can say you made it yourself! 

Woodgrain laptop wrap? Why not? All you need is contact paper! 

Turn an old pallet into personalized wall art
Posted: 9/17/2014 12:00:00 PM by LEAP | with 0 comments
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